In week note #6, Martin reflects on the shorter work week from 7–10 June.
Autor: Martin Jordan
Week #5: 30 May–3 June
5 weeks in, Martin reflects on some things seen and done at the DigitalService in his weeknotes covering 30 May till 3 June.
Week #4: 23–27 May
Martin Jordan’s weeknotes from his fourth week at the German government’s Digital Service, covering 23–27 May 2022.
Week #3: 16–20 May
Weeknote by Martin Jordan, covering his third week at the Digital Service from 16–20 May 2022.
Week #2: 9–13 May
These are the notes from Martin Jordan’s second week at the Digital Service – summarising 9–13 May.
Week #1: 2–6 May
Week one done! This is Martin Jordan’s recap of the first week at the Digital Service, from 2–6 May.
Vortrag: Digitalisierung und Design
Wie viel digital?, fragte Martin Jordan in einem Redebeitrag für den Berufsverband deutscher UX-Fachkräfte und sprach darüber warum echte Digitalisierung holistisches und inklusives Design braucht. Hier ist eine Aufzeichnung des Vortrags.