Opening the Helsinki Conference 2024 of the International Design in Government community, Kara Kane and Martin Jordan talked about the power of community and how communities help deal with the long slog of government transformation.
Autor: Martin Jordan
Week #124 at the Digital Service: Notes for 9–13 September 2024
The next version of the German government’s Service Standard is slowly emerging. Peer reviews are continuing and opening up to peers from other public sector organisations. And salary ranges and the underlying salary system are now well documented in a detailed blog post. Martin recaps his week 124 at Digital Service.
Week #123 at the Digital Service: Notes for 2–6 September 2024
Martin welcomed the new Work4Germany fellowship cohort. He also co-ran a cross-public sector user-centred design community gathering on designing good forms and welcomed the second content designer in his week 123 at Digital Service.
Week #122 at the Digital Service: Notes for 26–30 August 2024
Week 122 was thoughtful. Martin joined a session on defensive democracy and how public servants can protect and uphold the Basic Law if the far-right gets into government. He did some practical work and some thought work linked to the principle of ‘Open by Default’. Martin also saw some accessibility formats developing a life of their own.
Week #121 at the Digital Service: Notes for 19–23 August 2024
Martin ran community events and reflected on the function and value of community work. He conducted job interviews and took notes in research interviews. He also worked on discipline objectives and got a blog post published in his week 121 at Digital Service.
Meetup: Creating better policies
‘Creating better policies’ was the topic of the 6th meetup in the ‘Öffentliches Gestalten – shaping public sector’s future’ series. Three speakers, a lawyer, a service designer and a software engineer, shared how they support lawmakers and policy drafters to create better policies.
Week #120 at the Digital Service: Notes for 12–16 August 2024
Martin prepared various community events, planned for upcoming projects, and helped assemble new teams. He sketched discipline objectives and also designed some posters in week 120 at Digital Service.
Vortrag: Qualitätsstandard in 9 Ländern und 3 Bundesministerien – transformative Praxis mit dem Servicestandard
Auf der CityLAB Sommerkonferenz 2024 sprachen Caroline Merz und Martin Jordan über die praktische Anwendung des Servicestandards im Justizkontext und wie er zur Qualitätssicherung bei Leistungen, die von 9 Ländern angeboten werden, beiträgt.
Week #119 at the Digital Service: Notes for 5–9 August 2024
Martin joined his second session as a member of the Digital Council of the Minister for Infrastructure and Digital of the State of Saxony-Anhalt. He learnt more about the state’s challenges and leverage points. Martin saw another justice service launch, gave an inspirational service design talk and worked with the small Service Standard team on objectives, metrics and a first internal draft of a new version.
Week #118 at the Digital Service: Notes for 29 July–2 August 2024
In week 118 at Digital Service, Martin celebrated services going live, interviewed content designers, joined the product managers’ offsite, supported accessibility initiatives and talked to colleagues at GDS, BVA and the OECD.