Week #101 at the Digital Service: Notes for 1–5 April 2024

Four new user-centred design people started at Digital Service in Martin’s week 101. He welcomed them with a new format. He also continued interviewing more candidates and opened yet another role. Together with colleagues, he met with state-level experts on the topic to discuss accessibility.

Talk: Designing good public services for everyone

Principal UX designer Charlotte Vorbeck took the iconic TEDx stage to talk about designing good public services for everyone. She positions the user-centred government transformation work in its larger context, describes the constraints and shares her wins.

Vortrag und Diskussion: User Research im Unternehmen verankern

Sonja Wilczek, Senior User Researcherin beim DigitalService des Bundes, war zum UX Chat des Berufsverband der Deutschen Usability und User Experience Professionals, German UPA, eingeladen. Sie sprach darüber, User Research im Unternehmen zu verankern. Nach einem 20-Minuten-Vortrag war reichlich Zeit für Austausch und Fragen der Zuschauenden.

Week #98 at the Digital Service: Notes for 11–15 March 2024

In week 98, Martin spoke about the Service Standard a couple more times together with his colleague Caro to various public sector audiences. He also supported exchange between various lighthouse projects of the Federal digital strategy. Besides, Apolitical recognised his community work by adding him to a ‘Government Talent Trailblazer’ list.

Week #97 at the Digital Service: Notes for 4–8 March 2024

Fully back from annual leave, Martin joined and co-hosted the second cross-sector design system working session at Digital Service’s office. With a sudden movement regarding the Service Standard, he also joined its rebooted sounding board for a working session.

Week #96 at the Digital Service: Notes for 26 February–1 March 2024

Martin returned to the office after his long 3-week break and jumped right back into various things in his week 96 at Digital Service. On the first day, he discussed narratives for a short film, made a hiring decision for the first-ever content designer and caught up on research around digital strategy projects.