In week 63 at Digital Service, Martin participated in an internal accessibility check. He spent 1.5 days in various workshops and joined a lunch conversation on resilience.
Week #61 at the Digital Service: Notes for 26–30 June 2023
In week 61, Martin co-ran an international call on digital certificates and wallets and supported the first regular monthly cross-public sector user research exchange. He also continued to wrangle with the Service Standard and its implementation.
Meetup: Borderless challenges, exponential opportunity
On 13 June, CityLAB Berlin hosted the second public sector innovation meetup together with the Digital Service. 3 international speakers shared their work under the topic “Borderless challenges, exponential opportunity”.
Week #60 at the Digital Service: Notes for 19–23 June 2023
Wrapping up the work on the digital identity service component, Martin spent time in user research sessions and reviewed related material in week 60 at Digital Service. He also got the kick-off meeting for his new cross-public sector community of practice on user-centred design announced.
Vortrag: Live ist erst der Anfang
Am 14. Oktober 2022 sprach Produktmanagerin Katja Anokhina beim Public Service Lab Day in ihrem Vortrag ›Live ist erst der Anfang‹ über Nutzerzentrierung nach dem Service-Launch. Nun ist die Aufzeichnung des Impulsvortrags online verfügbar.
Week #59 at the Digital Service: Notes for 12–16 June 2023
Martin’s week 59 at Digital Service was dense and intense. He got the long-mentioned Service Standard blog post and team self-reports out, co-ran a meetup and helped run a fish bowl conversation as part of the Creative Bureaucracy Festival.
Week #58 at the Digital Service: Notes for 5–9 June 2023
Martin’s week 58 at Digital Service was short. He worked from London for only 2 days and put a focus on community-related work. He also finished the draft for the cross-discipline objectives for the quarter.
Week #57 at the Digital Service: Notes for 29 May–2 June 2023
Finishing May and week 57, Martin engaged in cross-organisational exchange about user research practice and helped welcome and say farewell to colleagues.
Week #56 at the Digital Service: Notes for 22–26 May 2023
In week 56 at Digital Service, Martin – with massive help from service designer Maria – finished a proposal for an all-new cross-public sector community of practice on user-centred design. Martin spent more time on Service Standard-related communication and prepared activities around the Creative Bureaucracy Festival in mid-June.
Week #55 at the Digital Service: Notes for 15–19 May 2023
In week 55 at Digital Service, Martin helped to review the organisational objectives and key results – which he finally put on a poster now, too. He prepared Service Standard self-reports and a related blog post for publication and also reached out to user researchers across the public sector for some exchange.